Craft Your Brand Message & Launch a Website That Sells

You don't just need a website, You need a brand base.

Remember that website you built? The one with the stock photos and generic copy? Yeah, me too. I get it.

Filling in the blanks of a template seemed like a quick fix, but now you're stuck with a website that doesn't actually show off what you can do for your clients.

You haven't touched it since, and honestly, you **cringe** when you have to share the link with your ideal clients.

There's another way.

What if your website could be your brand's guiding compass?

Imagine a website that acts as the cornerstone of your brand, a welcoming hub where your ideal clients feel seen, understood, and drawn to your expertise.

This isn't just about flashy design (though we will MAKE SURE it looks good); it's about building a brand foundation that attracts dream clients through Google searches and establishes you as the go-to expert in your field.

Brand Base Camp is your lantern in the dark, lighting the way to a website that shines.

I'll help you craft a clear message, design a captivating website, and establish a foundation that attracts your ideal clients, not crickets.

I'm in!

Past Campers Say:

What if you had all of the tools to write, design, and share a website that sells your services for you + the support and accountability to get it done?

Get clear on your message and strategy. Write the words that connect with your dream clients for a site that you are proud of.

Layout your site so flawlessy that anyone landing on it will know if you are the right fit and be able to book quickly

Learn what makes a site Rank on google so those ready-to-buy clients are finding you fast. Talk about a website that sells for you!

Your new strategic website will sell your services for you so you can get back to doing more of what you love.

In just 4 weeks, you'd be able to:

Take a peek at the three phases we'll work through together

I've been in your shoes, DIYing a site, and know how overwhelming it can feel! That's why Brand Base Camp walks you through a structured approach. I've broken the website creation process into three clear phases – Strategy, Site Design, and Showing Up. This step-by-step approach ensures your website isn't just beautiful, but strategically designed to attract your ideal clients and establish you as the go-to expert in your field.

Phase 1: Strategy

This isn't just website design, it's brand storytelling! Our strategy phase is where the magic begins. I'll guide you through a series of exercises to:

Discover Your Brand Identity: Who are you? What makes you unique? We'll figure out your "marketing trail mix" and I'll help you define your brand voice and core message to ensure your website resonates with the perfect clients.
Craft Your Ideal Client Profile: Understanding your ideal client is key to attracting them. We'll help you create a detailed profile of your dream client, so your website speaks directly to their needs and desires.
Bring together your words + imagery: The right mix of messaging and visuals is essential. We'll work with you to craft compelling marketing messages, website copy, and choose captivating visuals that pack a one-two punch and grab your ideal client's attention.

By the end of this phase, you'll have a clear roadmap for your website – a website built on a strong brand foundation that attracts, engages, and converts your ideal clients.

Phase 2: Site Design

With the strategy phase complete, we can really focus on the more technical aspects of designing your site! This is where so many DIYer's START, and why so many DIY sites turn into pinterest fails. 

Choosing the right template: A template can be so beneficial as a starting place but we have to choose the right one! I'll walk you through what makes a template great. 
Resize and Rename Your Media: Optimizing your photos and videos not only makes your site load faster, it makes Google happy too!
Learn the basics of Showit: We work on the Showit platform because it's robust, seo friendly, and user friendly. If you've used other website builders in the past you're in for a treat!
Bonus: Learn to blog:  Blogging keeps our website content fresh, builds our credibility, and gives us a way to connect with more dream clients! I'll show you how to set up your blog template AND how wordpress and Showit work together.

Phase 3: Showing Up

With your site built, it's nearly time to launch! In this phase, we'll build the buzz and get all of your duck in a row! 

SEO Basics: Meta descriptions, alt text, page names, oh my! SEO doesn't have to be overwhelming and complicated. I'll break it down in easy steps so we can get Google sending you dream clients.
Launch tips: Build buzz around your new site, learn tactics to drive traffic, and create more interest in your business.
Analyze and Revise: I'll share the tools I use to keep track of how my site is performing and how clients are interacting. This data allows us to tweak and revise over time so that our websites continue to do a better drop at selling our services for us!  

"This couldn't have been possible without guidaince from Kate and her Brand Base Camp.  (highly recommend the DIY option!) Without a second pair of experience eyeballs, your website could also be confusing without you knowing. I'm so glad I took the leap to refresh, accept help and have a site that I'm proud of!" 

"It not only feels like "me" but it's also  SO much more helpful and clear to site visitors"

-Nikki S.


 Any time I tried to work on my website before I felt lost. I didn't know where to start or how to put what I wanted to say into the site. I love all the questions and templates Kate had to help get my words and ideas out of my head and onto the site. 

"I love how easy Kate made it." 

-Seana C.


Brand Base Camp Includes:

  • The Brand Base Camp Trail Map: Dive deep into video lessons on each phase of the proven "3 S Framework" (Strategy, Site Design, Showing Up). You get lifetime on demand access to this online curriculum. 
  • Copy that Converts Toolkit: Craft irresistible messaging with our library of copy templates and page formulas. Know exactly what to say on each page and watch your dream clients say "yes" with confidence! 
  • Virtual Campfire Q&A (9 weeks): Get hands-on support with twice weekly live Q&A calls and twice weekly office hours. I'll help you navigate the "website wilderness" and troubleshoot any roadblocks. (Choose your start date within 4 weeks of joining.)
  • Camper Community: Connect, collaborate, and share campfire stories with our vibrant online community of creative entrepreneurs. 
Bonus Gear:  Showit Website Template: Choose your perfect website template from our premium template shop! ($497 value)
Secret Weapon: Website Writer AI: Write website copy faster and smarter with our exclusive AI assistant. Let's unlock your brand voice and watch your inquiries roll in! ($200 value)

Start today for $997

meet your
Camp Counselor

I started a photography business with a baby on my hip 13 years ago. While I loved taking pictures, I discovered that I was even more passionate about the business side of things. Even as a kid, I was entrepreneurial – from homemade perfume to a (questionable) gerbil venture.

As my photography business and family grew, I realized the "one size fits all" approach doesn't work for creative entrepreneurs. That's why I'm passionate about helping you build a brand that fits your dream lifestyle.

Creating a brand base and website that sells for you is the first step toward that freedom and flexibility we all pictured. I'll be your guide along the way and bring in my AI tools and expertise to help you streamline tasks that don't light you up!

Hi, friend! I'm Kate!

This sounds amazing but is it just for photographers?

Nope! The Website Launch Accelerator was designed to help all creative small business owners. I do have 13 years of experience running a photography business but I've also worked with business owners in many other industries! Think: wedding vendors, coaches, course creators, photographers, planners, organizers, bookkeepers, consultants, realtors and more! The content is all tailored to the students inside.


Here's how it helps me to think through biz investments: How much is "saving" money actually costing you? How much are you paying for a website that's really just a business card in a sea of business cards on the coffee shop bulletin board? How much MORE could you make every year with a site that brings in WARM leads ready to book? How much could you increase your prices if your website reflected the quality of work and the service you actually provide? If those numbers outweigh the investment, then it's clearly a sound business investment. 

Plus, you can break the cost up into payments with Paypal PayLater.


The course content is go-at-your-own-pace. I designed it so that if you're sticking to it, implementing, and taking advantage of the weekly live calls and office hours, you'll have your site launched in 4 weeks (or less if your highly motivated!). BUT I know your website is not the only thing that needs your attention in your business (or life)! That's why you get 9 weeks of coaching and support to keep you accountable, provide flexibility, and get you launched.


Showit is the recommended platform for this course. I've chosen to work with Showit for it's ease of use, customizable nature, and excellent SEO capabilities. If you choose another platform, this course will not help you with technical aspects but can be beneficial in strategy and content. 


We're building your site in Showit which I've chosen specifically because it's incredibly user friendly. No code knowledge necessary, drag and drop.
And the drag and drop functionality is without restrictions!

Plus if you get stuck, I'm there to walk you through any struggles in our live calls and office hours, 4 times a week.


We'll walk through choosing visuals to represent your brand no matter what stage you're at! But first, we'll figure out your brand messaging and positioning so we can choose well! We'll find the common thread that ties you to your dream clients! 

Ready to Head to camp?

Let's go!