"I already got a new lead a little over a week after launching!"

"My website needed a huge overhaul. Kate was able to help me with everything from targeting my ideal clients to nailing my messaging on each page. Every single part of my website got a major glow-up."

"The skills and knowledge I gained through Brand Base Camp are invaluable"

"The process was smooth and stress-free, thanks to Kate's step-by-step guidance. Now, my website not only looks fantastic but also truly reflects my brand and the quality of my work. It's more than just a site; it's an extension of my business that attracts new clients and makes a great first impression."

-Jennifer P., Photographer

-Lauren H., Realtor

Tired of Hiding Your Website from Potential Clients?

Remember that website you built? The one with the stock photos and the generic copy?

...the one you AVOID sharing because you're kind of embarrassed by it.

I get it. 

Filling in the blanks of a template seemed like a quick fix, but now you're stuck with a website that doesn't actually show off what you can do for your clients.

You haven't touched it since, and honestly, you **cringe** when you have to share the link with potential clients.

But there’s another way—and it doesn’t involve spending thousands on a copywriter, designer, and SEO specialist.

What if your website could: 

Attract clients who are excited to work with you (and have no problem paying what you’re worth)

Act as your 24/7 sales team closing the deal before your leads even submit the contact form

Eliminate the need for constant social media guesswork

Feel like a true reflection of your brand

Be a foundation for all your marketing

You don't just need a website....

You don't just need a website....

Email Marketing

You don't just need a website....

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

You don't just need a website....

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

You don't just need a website....

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

Paid Ads

You don't just need a website....

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

Paid Ads

Organic Search

You don't just need a website....

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

Paid Ads

Organic Search

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

Paid Ads

Organic Search

You need A

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

Paid Ads

Organic Search

You need A

Email Marketing

Word of Mouth

Social Media Marketing

Paid Ads

Organic Search

You need A

Your website is the cornerstone of your brand, a welcoming hub where your ideal clients feel seen, understood, and drawn to your expertise. 

This isn't just about trendy and aesthetic (although you better believe it's going to look GOOD); it's about building a brand foundation that attracts dream clients through Google searches and establishes you as the go-to expert in your field. 

Imagine having a site you’re proud to share—one that perfectly represents you and your amazing business & attracts those perfect fit clients and projects.

Brand Base Camp is your ticket to a website that sells your services for you.

(So you can spend more time doing the work you love—and earning what you deserve.)

In Brand Base Camp, I'll guide you through every step. From what to say on each page, how to design an easy-to-use website that represents you, and how to get your business found in Google.

Plus, this program provides not only the training, but the support and accountability to ACTUALLY GET IT DONE.

Yes! I need This!

Past Campers Say:

In as little as 4 weeks, you'll:

Figure out exactly what to say on your website and write the words that truly connect with those perfect fit clients.

Design a Website That Converts: Create a professional, beautiful website that aligns with your brand vision and turns visitors into buyers.

Get Found Fast: Learn the SEO essentials to rank on Google so ready-to-buy clients find you quickly. Now that's a website that sells for you!

Your new strategic website will work for you 24/7, selling your services and freeing you up to do more of what you love (and getting paid for it).

Brand Base Camp is For You If:

  • You Don’t Want to Spend Thousands on a Designer: You want a website that truly represents you, without breaking the bank.

  • You Need to Write Your Own Copy, Confidently: You know that writing persuasive copy is essential for your business, whether it’s for your website, emails, or social media. You want to learn how to do it yourself—so your message always sounds like you.

  • You Want Control Over Your Website: You don’t want to rely on a developer for every little change. You want to easily manage your site’s backend so you can update and tweak it whenever you like.

  • You Feel Your Branding Is Scattered: You’re looking for a cohesive, polished brand that aligns with your vision and attracts the right clients.

  • You Thrive with Accountability and Support: You want guidance, feedback, and a community to keep you motivated and on track—so you can stop second-guessing every small decision and launch with confidence.

  • You’re Done with Websites That Just Sit There: You want a website that acts as a 24/7 sales tool—bringing in leads, building trust, and converting visitors into clients.

  • You’re Ready to Stop Guessing: You want clear, actionable steps to design, build, and optimize your website with confidence.

How Can I Possibly Do All of This in 4 Weeks?

I get it; 4 weeks might sound ambitious.

But here’s how we make it not only possible but achievable:
With my step-by-step curriculum, live Q&A sessions, and personalized feedback, you’re never left guessing what to do next.

Each week, you'll have clear action steps that build on each other, so you’re making steady progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Plus, I have a secret swiss-army knife to help make the entire process faster, smoother and more efficient: AI.

You’ll learn how AI can act as your Website Project VA. From helping you generate copy ideas that sound like you, to conducting market research, and even choosing the right fonts and colors without falling down a rabbit hole. These AI tools will help you work faster, smarter, AND BETTER.

(That means less time stuck in decision-making, and more time creating a website that will get you results).

Whether you choose the fast-track 4-week plan or take the full 9 weeks with complete support, you’ll have all the guidance, accountability, and smart tools needed to build a site you’re proud to share—without the endless delays or second-guessing.

I'm in!

I know what you're thinking:

Take a peek at the three phases we'll work through together

I've been in your shoes, DIYing a site, and know how overwhelming it can feel! 

That's why I’ve created my own process that makes building a website as easy as it can possibly be. In Brand Base Camp you’ll work through 3 clear phases – Strategy, Site Design, and Showing Up, with bite-sized lessons designed for the DIYer. 

This step-by-step approach ensures your website isn't just beautiful, but strategically designed to attract your ideal clients, make you findable on Google and establish you as the go-to expert in your field.

Phase 1: Strategy

This isn't just website design, it's brand storytelling! Our strategy phase is where the magic begins. 

Discover Your Brand Identity: Who are you? What makes you stand out? Let’s dig deep to uncover your unique "marketing trail mix." I’ll help you define a brand voice and core message that not only makes you proud to share your website but also serves as the foundation for all your marketing going forward. You'll move from overwhelm to clarity, with a consistent and compelling message that speaks to your ideal clients wherever they find you.

Craft Words that Connect and Convert: Skip the outdated client avatar exercises. We focus on real market research to understand your audience and use their own words to craft messages that make them feel seen and understood. With my Website Writer Workbook, you’ll have a clear guide on exactly what to say on every part of your site to attract and convert the right clients.

Design a Cohesive Brand Experience: Your website should be a reflection of your brand, combining words with the right design elements—like colors, fonts, and images—that tell your story and attract your ideal clients. I’ll guide you in choosing these elements to create a cohesive look and feel that communicates who you are and why you’re the right choice for your dream clients. 

By the end of this phase, you'll have a clear roadmap for your website – a website that reflects your brand, attracts your ideal clients, and turns them into loyal customers.

The public and our future clients get a glimpse and a clear window of understanding who we are as a business. I always felt before I like I had to explain over and over again what we do but now I feel like it’s very clear and cohesive and consistent branding. I feel like the style of the website matches exactly what we have wanted for four years. 

-Sara I.


"Clear and Cohesive and consistent Branding"

"The copywriting templates were a game-changer; they provided a solid foundation while allowing me the flexibility to tweak and personalize them, making the final product something I could truly call my own."

"each step was clear and manageable, and the deadlines helped me stay accountable."

-Jennifer P.


Phase 2: Site Design

  • Choose the Right Template: Not all templates are created equal! A good template saves time and serves as a strong foundation for your site. I’ll guide you in picking the perfect template that aligns with your brand and functions seamlessly, helping you avoid common DIY mistakes.

  • Learn to Design a Site with a Great User Experience: A high-performing website isn’t just about looks—it’s about creating a seamless experience for your visitors. Learn how to design a site that loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and is loved by Google, making sure your clients stay engaged and land in your inbox ready to book.

  • Learn Just What You Need to Build the Site of Your Dreams: You don’t need to become a web designer to create a beautiful, functional website. I’ll teach you the essential skills to build a site that looks great and works seamlessly. Plus, you’ll learn how to easily make updates and changes on your own as your business grows, without needing to hire a designer every time.

  • Get On-Demand Support from a Designer: With access to twice-weekly live sessions and office hours, you’ll have the help you need, when you need it. Think of me as your designer on call—ready to break things down in simple, DIY-friendly terms. Whether it’s recreating a specific feature from a site you love or getting quick feedback, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

With your brand strategy in place, we dive into designing a site that’s not only beautiful but also effective in turning visitors into clients. This is where most DIYers start—and why so many end up with sites that look like Pinterest fails. We’re doing it differently, starting with strategy first, so your design works as hard as you do.

"This couldn't have been possible without guidaince from Kate and her Brand Base Camp.  (highly recommend the DIY option!) Without a second pair of experience eyeballs, your website could also be confusing without you knowing. I'm so glad I took the leap to refresh, accept help and have a site that I'm proud of!" 

"It not only feels like "me" but it's also  SO much more helpful and clear to site visitors"

-Nikki S.


 Any time I tried to work on my website before I felt lost. I didn't know where to start or how to put what I wanted to say into the site. I love all the questions and templates Kate had to help get my words and ideas out of my head and onto the site. 

"I love how easy Kate made it." 

-Seana C.


Phase 3: Showing Up

With your site built, it's nearly time to launch! In this phase, we'll build the buzz and get all of your ducks in a row! 

SEO Basics: Meta descriptions, alt text, page names, oh my! SEO doesn't have to be overwhelming and complicated. I'll break it down in easy steps so we can get Google sending you dream clients, so they find you when they're ready to buy.
Launch tips: Build buzz around your new site, learn tactics to drive traffic, and create more interest in your business.
Track, Tweak, and Thrive: I’ll share the tools and strategies to monitor your site’s performance and understand client behavior. With this data, you’ll learn how to make smart adjustments that keep your site working hard for you, turning more visitors into clients over time.

Brand Base Camp Includes:

20+ bite-sized video lessons covering the "3 S Framework"—Strategy, Site Design, and Showing Up. Learn at your own pace with lifetime access.

The Brand Base Camp Trail Map:

A fillable brand guidelines template to keep your messaging, visuals, and style consistent across all platforms.

Your Marketing Field Guide Template:

A step-by-step, fillable checklist to guide you through the entire project without missing any steps.

Website Launch Map:

Customizable templates and formulas to help you write clear, compelling copy that attracts and converts dream clients.

Copy That Converts Toolkit:

Exercises to refine your offers, ensuring they align with your passion and attract clients who are excited to work with you.

Help Clarifying Your Offers:

Twice-weekly live Q&A and office hours to receive personalized guidance, troubleshoot challenges, and get feedback.

Virtual Campfire Q&A (9 Weeks):

Choose between a 4-week fast track or a 9-week plan with weekly emails to stay on track and move forward confidently.

Launch at Your Speed:

Use AI for market research, design alignment, data analysis, and simple coding adjustments, saving time and money.

Learn to Make AI your Project VA:

Showit Website Template:
Access a premium Showit template from my exclusive shop, tailored to your brand’s style and needs. Quickly build a professional, high-converting site without the hassle. ($497 value)

Website Writer AI:
Leverage my exclusive AI assistant to write website copy faster and smarter. Unlock your unique brand voice, generate fresh ideas, and turn your site into a lead-generation machine. ($200 value)

Mini Course: Start Blogging with Confidence
Master Showit’s blogging platform with step-by-step strategies to create engaging posts that boost SEO, build authority, and connect with your ideal clients.

Plus these Bonuses!

I'm ready to start!

So, how much does this cost?

Let’s face it—Brand Base Camp isn’t “cheap,” but here’s why it’s worth it.

You could spend $197 on a bare-bones template or up to $1,500 on a premium one. But even with the most expensive template, you’re still left figuring out how to talk about your business, attract clients, and update your site as you grow.

Hiring a designer? That’s easily thousands of dollars, and they don’t teach you how to do any of that either.

Brand Base Camp is different.

It’s a high-touch, comprehensive program that covers everything from messaging and strategy to design and SEO. You’ll get personalized support, hands-on guidance, and the tools to build a website that works for you long-term.

PLUS, it’s made just for DIYers.
You’ll learn exactly what you need to design the site of your dreams—no complicated coding or tech talk, just what’s essential for you.

For less than the cost of a premium template—or a fraction of what you'd pay a designer—you’ll learn to build a high-converting website and gain the skills to grow your business.

Just one client booking could cover your investment, and many clients make back more than they spent within months.

Bottom line: This isn’t just about a website—it’s about setting up your business for long-term success.

meet your
Camp Counselor

I started a photography business with a baby on my hip 13 years ago. While I loved taking pictures, I discovered that I was even more passionate about the business side of things. Even as a kid, I was entrepreneurial—from homemade perfume to a (questionable) gerbil venture.

As my business grew and my time became more limited as a mom of three, I realized I needed a sustainable marketing strategya website that could sell for me. My DIY attempts often fell flat. Even with a pretty (and expensive) template, I struggled to clearly explain what my business offered and get people excited to work with me. I saw other entrepreneurs facing the same frustrations—trying to create a cohesive brand and a website that actually converts.

Hi, friend! I'm Kate!

After diving deep into copywriting and brand strategy, I finally built a website that got me booked—and it still brings in clients years later without any updates. I’ve also built several successful websites for other business owners but found my sweet spot in helping DIYers like you. When you DIY, you don’t just get a website—you gain the confidence to talk about your brand, business, and offers in a way that truly connects with your audience. That’s something a "done-for-you" service can’t teach.

That’s why Brand Base Camp is a comprehensive program for DIYers that goes beyond templates. It’s not just about having a website; it’s about building a brand foundation that attracts the right clients and grows with your business. 

I’ll guide you every step of the way—from nailing your messaging to designing a website that feels SO YOU and getting your site seen by the right people. And with smart strategies and tools, including videos, workbooks and AI tips and tools, you’ll get your site up faster, easier, and better—all without feeling overwhelmed.

With my guidance, you’ll have the confidence, tools, and support to make changes anytime, without needing to hire a designer.

Together, we’ll turn your website into your silent sales team, driving inquiries to your inbox. 

This sounds amazing but is it just for photographers?

Nope! Brand Base Camp was designed to help all service-based small business owners. I do have 13 years of experience running a photography business but I've also worked with business owners in many other industries!

I've worked with: wedding vendors, coaches, course creators, photographers, planners, organizers, bookkeepers, consultants, realtors and more! The content is all tailored to the students inside.


Here's how it helps me to think through biz investments: How much is "saving" money actually costing you? How much are you paying for a website that's really just a business card in a sea of business cards on the coffee shop bulletin board? How much MORE could you make every year with a site that brings in WARM leads ready to book? How much could you increase your prices if your website reflected the quality of work and the service you actually provide? If those numbers outweigh the investment, then it's clearly a sound business investment. 

Plus, you can break the cost up into 2 or 4 payments! 


The course content is go-at-your-own-pace. I designed it so that if you're sticking to it, implementing, and taking advantage of the weekly live calls and office hours, you'll have your site launched in 4 weeks (or less if your highly motivated!).

BUT I know your website is not the only thing that needs your attention in your business (or life)! That's why you get 9 weeks of coaching and support to keep you accountable, provide flexibility, and get you launched.

I'll even send you weekly to-do lists that will help you reach your goal at your speed


Yes, and no. Showit is the recommended platform for this course. I've chosen to work with Showit for it's ease of use, customizable nature, and excellent SEO capabilities.

All of the tech and design tutorials are based on Showit. 

But, if you have another platform you love, the strategy, copywriting, and frameworks can still be applied! You'll also still get my feedback on the design as well as copy and layouts.


We're building your site in Showit which I've chosen specifically because it's incredibly user friendly. No code knowledge necessary, drag and drop.

And the drag and drop functionality is without restrictions!

Plus if you get stuck, I'm there to walk you through any struggles in our live calls and office hours, 4 times a week.


We'll walk through choosing visuals to represent your brand no matter what stage you're at!

But first, we'll figure out your brand messaging and positioning so we can choose well!

We'll find the common thread that ties you to your dream clients and back up your messaging with visual that seal the deal! 

You’re here because you’ve tried to DIY your website before, but it never quite felt like you. You’ve filled in templates, tweaked designs, and taken courses, yet you’re still stuck with a site that doesn’t represent you or attract the right clients.

You want more than just a pretty site—you want a website that speaks directly to your ideal clients, drives growth, and reflects the heart of your business. You’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling confident that your website is working for you, even when you’re not.

Now, picture this 4 weeks from now...

You’ve hit “publish” on your new site. It finally feels like you—bold, clear, and captivating. Google starts sending you ready-to-buy clients who instantly see they've found their perfect match.

Your inbox fills with eager inquiries from people excited to work with you—not just because your site looks polished, but because it speaks directly to their needs and desires. Your website becomes your silent (unpaid) salesperson, turning visitors into bookings while you dive into the work that lights you up.

You’re no longer stressing over what to post on Instagram or how to market yourself online. Your website anchors your brand, making it effortless to create content that’s consistent, aligned, and magnetic. It’s no longer a guessing game—it’s a strategy.

Yes! I need This!

You Know Your Website Isn’t Working Hard Enough for You.

That’s the power of Brand Base Camp—a website that looks and feels like you, converts visitors into clients, and simplifies your entire marketing process.

When you join Brand Base Camp, you’ll gain access to everything you need to create a website that truly works for you.

  • The Brand Base Camp Trail Map: 20+ video lessons covering strategy, design, and showing up
  • Your Marketing Field Guide Template: A customizable template for consistent branding
  • Website Launch Map: A checklist to keep you organized
  • Copy That Converts Toolkit: Templates and formulas for writing effective copy
  • Help Clarifying Your Offers: Guidance on refining your offers
  • Virtual Campfire Q&A: Twice-weekly support from your coach
  • AI Tools: Streamline tasks and save time
  • 4-Week Fast Track or 9-Week Launch Plan: Choose the pace that works best for you

Flexible Payment Plan

2 payments of


Join Now

Most Flexible Payment Plan


Join Now

4 payments of

The Best Value


1 payment of

Join Now

  • A Showit Website Template
  • Website Writer AI
  • Mini Course: Start Blogging with Confidence

Let's recap!

And As a bonus, you'll also get:

You get:

Are you ready to invest in your website and your business?
Click below to checkout with the payment option that suits you!

When you Join Brand Base Camp You'll have:

  • Clarity and Confidence: Know exactly what to say on each page, what your brand stands for, and how to communicate it effectively.
  • A Website That Works for You: Build a professional, high-converting site that does the selling for you—freeing you up to focus on what you love.
  • Tools and Support: From customizable copy templates and AI tools to personalized guidance and live Q&A calls—you’ll have everything you need to build and launch with confidence.
  • No More Guesswork: With step-by-step instructions, checklists, and a roadmap, you’ll stay focused and on track without feeling overwhelmed.
  • An Engaging Brand Presence: Create a cohesive, compelling brand that attracts and resonates with your ideal clients, setting you apart as the go-to expert in your field.

Don’t settle for a website that doesn’t reflect your value.

Brand Base Camp isn’t just another course—it’s a complete, guided journey to a website you’ll be proud to share.

One that brings in clients, builds your authority, and grows with your business.

You’ve seen what’s possible—
now it’s time to make it happen.

Sign me up for Camp! 

Let's go!